Beowulf Forum Discussions
Reposted with permission from Xenite.Org, who operate the SF-FANDOM forum communities.
A few years ago Tolkien Expert Michael Martinez hosted an online discussion of "Beowulf" with members of the Endor Tolkien Forum and mailing list. He subsequently reposted his own comments on SF-FANDOM.
Some additional comments were posted in the SF-FANDOM Medieval European Studies Forum by moderator Martin Read and Dr. Larry Swain, who teaches Anglo-Saxon Studies.
The discussion was based on citations from public domain translations of "Beowulf", which means the translations may not be up to modern standards. Two translations were used. The first was the Francis Gummere version, but Michael switch over to the Leslie Hall version after going through 15 chapters.
People are welcome to browse and join in the discussions, even though the threads are now several months old. You will have to register at SF-FANDOM before you can post any followups. The forums are moderated. Tolkien fans are also encouraged to join the Endor mailing list, but registration is required to browse the list archive at Google Groups (and memberships are subject to approval).
These sections are based on the Francis Gummere translation:
These sections are based on the Leslie Hall translation: